A Week’s Worth of Twitter Updates
Posted By Russ Emerson on April 16, 2012 at 10:00 am
- Another lovely Monday morning. I suppose I should go to bed now. #
- I was supposed to be somewhere by 8am… but it took waaay longer to get ready to go than I expected. Another postponed appointment. :-( #
- No, nor Lupus. It's never Lupus. // RT @mkhammer: Has anyone on "House" ever ACTUALLY ended up having sarcoidosis? #
- Looong day. Medical, vet, taxes, groceries. My legs are completely worn out. Oh, and I can't drive anymore. Time to install hand controls. #
- There have been literally *hours* of kitteh purring & snuggling this evening. Either they liked the tuna, or I spilled some of it on me. #
- OK, so I can *configure* the router, but *debugging* is not authorized? Seriously? And people wonder why I occasionally get all stabby…. #
- While sitting at my desk, I accidentally put my foot down on Kismet's toe. The look he gave me can only be described as "reproach." #
- listening to "Boom Boom Satellites – Shut Up And Explode" ? http://t.co/aYHwK6F4 #
- My medications yesterday completely knocked me for a loop. My memory of the whole day is naught but a blur. "May cause drowsiness" indeed. #
- Yeah, I thought it was a bit warm in here today. Maybe if I switched the A/C over from "heat" to "cool," it might be better…. #soclever #
- The African-American Queen #ObamaBookTitles #what? #ReadHillbuzz #