A little bit of backbone goes a long way.

Posted By on December 3, 2010 at 2:56 pm

When lies are the norm, it take courage to speak the truth. A couple of European politicians have recently garnered attention for demonstrating they have a bit of spine.

First, we have Member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage, from the UK Independence Party. The UKIP is as close as the British have to a libertarianish tea party sort of organization.

And here we see a member of Austria’s parliament, Ewald Stadler, with a few choice words for the Turkish ambassador.

His “tolerance romantics” formulation seems quite apt.

Europe is almost lost to statism and to cultural Marxism (expressed as multiculturalism.) All is not lost… yet… but I would not be overly surprised if there are bureaucrats hanging from lampposts before the decade is out.


One Response to “A little bit of backbone goes a long way.”

  1. Brad says:

    Really which interesting to watch these back-to-back.