Death By Pixel
Posted By Russ Emerson on November 28, 2011 at 10:40 am
Been playing a bit of Battlefield 3 for the last few weeks while I wait for the March release of Mass Effect 3.
It’s good fun. I get killed a lot — my kill/death ratio is only about 0.6 — but I’m improving and enjoying myself in my Copious Free Time. And every once in a while, I have a pretty spectacular round (best so far: 26 kills, 2 deaths.)
Here’s something more typical of late: 17 kills, 15 deaths:
[Video captured with Fraps, edited with the 30-day trial version of Sony Vegas 11 – pretty cool stuff.]
Did I mention, it’s a lot of fun?
It’s also a novel way of meeting people. Back in ’06, during the heyday of Battlefield 2, I ran into and joined up with the Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan – a like-minded group of serious gamers. I’d never have thought of it before… but hey, why not?
[…] out, I assume due to the weather that moved through the area. I was in the middle of a round of Battlefield 3 at the time; I noticed something […]