Quote of the Day

Posted By on October 21, 2008 at 3:12 pm

Sarah Palin:

I guess the looming crisis that most worries the Obama campaign right now is Joe Biden’s next speaking engagement.

Via The Corner at NRO

Just floating a random notion here. I’ve only had one cup of coffee so far, so maybe I’m not fully functional…. (Hey, give me a break. It’s my day off, I slept late. So sue me.)
Biden said, “Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy….”
It occurred to me, in my pre-caffeinated condition, to wonder about that wording.
The cynic in me wonders if “generated” could equal “manufactured,” as in a Canadian Bacon scenario, designed to boost support of an Obama presidency, particularly among those of us on the Right who stereotypically might be expected to toss aside partisan squabbles to support the nation’s leadership in times of international crisis.
Would a foreign leader be willing to cooperate? I don’t know. Sure, Obama has had a lot of support from overseas, but I think the real reason for that support is that a lot of people overseas would dearly love to see the U.S. weakened by an ineffectual president. They want us to be dragged down to their level — which is exactly what would result from the implementation of the Democrats’ plans for America.
They envy America’s greatness, are unwilling to emulate those qualities that made us great, and, like jackals around a lion, would love nothing more than for us to be brought low.
Maybe I should have another cup of coffee and something to eat.
Plus, the lathe beckons.

Update: Iowahawk brings the funny.
And there’s now a Palin video at Hot Air.


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