Conspiracy Theories
Posted By Russ Emerson on September 18, 2003 at 8:29 am
Michele notes of hurricane Isabel:
It is the one big story in the news that has no dividing line, no conspiracy theories attached to it, no political undertones.
Indeed, where are the conspiracies? What kind of a self-respecting Axis has no underhanded dealings, no secrets, no conspiracies? It’s a fair question.
Hey, Michele, just a heads-up for you – the Axis is developing WMD.
Last night I made chili out of some perishables from my refrigerator. The effects should be lethal.
WMD = Winds of Mass Destruction
[for Isabel and for you, Russ, post-chili!]
Oh, I don’t know. Now, if Osama issued a new videotape that claimed that Allah had unleashed Isabel as the righteous retribution of nature as part of the jihad for the infidel’s attack on Islam…