Don’t bother calling the Guinness Book people

Posted By on August 1, 2008 at 8:03 pm

I had an excellent day at physical therapy. I walked caneless again, this time making it 720 feet before reaching my limit. The improvement is truly staggering… which, coincidentally, is pretty much how I still walk.
It took me 12 minutes to cover those 720 feet. A little quick math… OK, carry the one… that’s a speed of roughly .68 miles/hour.
Not exactly blazing, that. But it is definite improvement.


One Response to “Don’t bother calling the Guinness Book people”

  1. cara says:

    Yaaaaaaaaayyyy Russ!!! Good work!
    Faith and I are missing you and want to visit you again soon. Maybe Christmas?
    We love you so much.