
Posted By on May 24, 2008 at 10:00 am

There is an age after which birthdays should cease to matter as occasions for anticipation and celebration.
That age is twelve.
Sure, there are noteworthy exceptions — landmarks, if you will. 16, 18, 21, 40 (maybe), 65 (or whatever retirement age is these days) and 100.
I suppose that in my case, attaining 46 was perhaps the littlest teeniest tiniest bit in doubt a year ago. Well, I made it. I think I’ll celebrate by having a steak, or maybe pizza… if I can squeeze in a break from work. It’s just another work day (second shift) for me, though it is also another a chance to again thank Mom for everything.
I’ll skip the cake and ice cream, though.


4 Responses to “Birthdays”

  1. Cara says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love you Russ!! Wish I could be there to make you a nice dinner and bake a chocolate-cherry cake for you. Faith and I would bring it to you with a big “46” candle on top and sing the Happy Birthday song to you with great exuberance. Hugs and kisses!!

  2. Ith says:

    Happy birthday!

  3. John says:

    Happy Birthday indeed, Comrade. The Workers of the world unite in singing Happy Birthday to You.
    They actually did this earlier this morning, though, so you were probably asleep and missed it. Ask anyone else, though!

  4. Cara says:

    Wrong! Birthdays matter! Every year! In fact, my birthday is August 6. And I expect much celebration. Cash and gifts and other tokens of affection. Balloons optional. I promise to continue to annoy people with my attitude of entitlement for as long as I live.
    Make a note, people. August 6.