Quote of the Day

Posted By on January 21, 2008 at 1:54 pm

Actually, it’s from last week Wednesday….

So last Sunday I did something against doctors orders: I read the New York Times. On the front page – a piece on American war veterans. The Times says they’re all homicidal maniacs, committing up to 121 murders total, stateside. But this is the Times, of course – so you know what they leave out is always more important than what they leave in. I’m talking context. Oh – and a soul.
In the New York Post, writer Andy Solstis, along with other bloggers, point out that the murder rate for returning vets is only one-fifth of that of young Americans who did not fight. The take home message: if you want to make peace, make warriors.

Greg Gutfeld, in his nightly Gregalogue.
You’re Tivoing/DVRing Red Eye, right?


2 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. ja, RTO isn’t too sure about it, but I think it’s growing on him. he’s just generally curmudgeonly that way.
    he’s worse than Hitler.

  2. Kirk says:

    good to hear things are trending in the positive direction physically Russ. Been thinking about you