Still Not Computing

Posted By on January 10, 2008 at 8:44 pm

The PC is still dead-dead-dead, but now we know what specific part is dead; as I guessed, it’s the motherboard.
Fortunately, a replacement can be had comparatively inexpensively, though I don’t know how quickly. I could, in theory, be up and running again by Monday, but I’m not counting on it. More like Wednesday, I think.
I’m still limited to using the World’s Slowest Laptop, which is only minimally functional for anything other than the apps I use for work… and even for those, it’s a decrepit wreck. Nothing but the best for the employees, right?
I’ll omit the separate rant about how a company might claim that we’re the best network engineers in the world, but still treat us like wage slaves. Which I suppose we are.


One Response to “Still Not Computing”

  1. Upgrading

    So, I noticed the other day that my PC was beginning to sound rather a lot like a kitchen blender. Or maybe a Disposall. The box usually runs 24×7, and has done for most of the last six, count ’em,…