It Does Not Compute

Posted By on January 9, 2008 at 1:03 pm

The old PC is still in the shop; due to the holidays, there was apparently a backlog of work for the diagnosticians.
I’m not too concerned. I’ve already decided to think of the box as dead-dead-dead, and have begun planning for a replacement. If anything can be salvaged from the old PC, well, that’s gravy. But it is an older architecture — AGP rather than PCI type — so there won’t be much that can be reused, apart from the hard drive and the memory (I think.)
Still, we’re talking a minimum of three or four more business days — minimum.


3 Responses to “It Does Not Compute”

  1. John says:

    Russ, a longer comment I attempted to post yesterday didn’t make it (some public-wifi Net problems on my end), so let me just send this link as something to consider when replacing your system:
    Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 1GB DDR2, 250GB HDD, CDRW/DVD, 22″ Samsung Wide LCD Monitor, Vista Basic $558
    I haven’t explored this thoroughly myself, but I’d act fast IF interested.

  2. John says:

    (Of course, it’s easy to change some of those base settings-add a real video card, DVD burner, Vista Home Premium, etc., but then the price slowly inches up. :) )
    For another version of this, quickly check out:
    Dell Inspiron 530 Quad Core Q6600 ,500GB,1GB,Bluetooth,dual drives, 128MB NVIDIA 8300 $566 AC + tax shipped

  3. Upgrading

    So, I noticed the other day that my PC was beginning to sound rather a lot like a kitchen blender. Or maybe a Disposall. The box usually runs 24×7, and has done for most of the last six, count ’em,…