Rural Sprawl

Posted By on August 26, 2006 at 4:18 am

Regular periods of relaxation are important, even when, like our country kitty Bubba, you’re definitely not part of the urban hustle and bustle, the big-city daily grind, or even the metaphorical rat race. You just have to know how to relax.
Bubba really really knows how to relax.

He does, of course, participate in actual rat races. Well, not rat races, so much as rat hunts.

See all the critters at the 101st edition of the Friday Ark.
And be sure to drop by the Carnival of the Cats on Sunday, at Catymology.


4 Responses to “Rural Sprawl”

  1. marge says:

    Has that creature no shame???? Has he expired??
    Poor baby!

  2. Susan says:

    Cats are funny creatures. They don’t care if anybody is around, and they’ll ignore you if they want. They also sprawl out in the weirdest positions when wanting to have a little rest, which is pretty much 20 hours of the day.

  3. Susan says:

    Cats are funny creatures. They don’t care if anybody is around, and they’ll ignore you if they want. They also sprawl out in the weirdest positions when wanting to have a little rest, which is pretty much 20 hours of the day.

  4. Skul says:

    Susan, did you sprawl out on your keyboard? Couldn’t help it, my Pekinese made me do it.