Posted By Russ Emerson on July 13, 2006 at 8:32 pm
Following columnist Robert Novak’s revelation earlier this week that the source for the “outing” of Valerie Plame was not in fact Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove, or any of the usual people lefties wish to see in handcuffs and shackles, Plame and her husband “Lying Joe” Wilson have filed a civil suit against those same people.
It seems that the very people who are not being prosecuted by the government for leaking are being sued for the damage their not-leaking may have done.
Suing people for damaging your reputation would be a legitimate thing to do, but in Joe Wilson’s case, perhaps it might be best to disappear off the radar of publicity. The idea of such a suit is to gain back your reputation, but this case will almost certainly destroy Wilson’s. If this suit ever goes to trial, old Joe is going to have his ass handed to him. There will undoubtedly be uncomfortable questions a-plenty.
Personally, I’d rather like to hear his explanation of how he could report one set of Niger facts to congress, and then publicly use a contradictory set of facts (read: “lie”) in the NY Times in an attempt to damage the President. Now that is something that ought to be lawsuit-worthy….
Joe Wilson seems determined to go down in history as the man who put the “ass” in “ambassador.”