A Week, More or Less, of Tweets

Posted By on May 27, 2013 at 2:58 pm

  • Another day, another Obama administration scandal. Color me unsurprised. ->
  • RT @JonahNRO: Good God. RT @ClaraJeffery :( Moore, OK before and after: http://t.co/En7xWTJ8Ws ->
  • RT @bob_owens: When they say "biblical destruction," I'm pretty sure Moore fits the bill. I'm happily stunned they're finding as many peopl… ->
  • RT @ImCh1quita: @bob_owens @RussEmerson NOT to take away from the destruction, but we'll know "biblical" when it gets here. #Armageddon ->
  • RT @jamestaranto: "Carney on IRS: Nobody's More Outraged than Obama." RT if you're more outraged than Obama. http://t.co/fbQDNQD1by ->
  • RT @michellemalkin: Cue world's smallest violin: #IRS jerk Miller says it "breaks my heart" that agency is besmirched. Cry us a river. @Se->
  • RT @sarahbellumd: IT'S A PUT-ON! #alsoiloveyou RT @JonahNRO: Question: How is the IRS's story like an eminence front? ->
  • RT @miracleofsound: 'What if you wanted a device that could do movies, games, trailers, Skype and internet!' You mean like a PC? ->
  • RT @EricStrobel: Why must there be a false dichotomy proposed that #Scandalpalooza is either malevolence or incompetence? No reason it can’… ->
  • RT @DrewMTips: If you're a gov't employee and you refuse to testify at a congressional oversight hearing, you must be fired. ->
  • RT @JedediahBila: Obama's uncomfortable with us being harsh to terrorists. I'm uncomfortable with terrorists being comfortable. ->
  • RT @CatsPolitics: Did he call Obama "bright, clean & articulate"? RT @joanwalsh: Wow, Ted Cruz is kind of a skeezy huckster. Will Republica… ->
  • Any day when I get Omaha Steaks, a Victor Davis Hansen book, and a couple of xbox games delivered is a pretty fine day, in my estimation. ->


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