A Week of Tweets
Posted By Russ Emerson on March 25, 2013 at 10:00 am
- I've just cooked bacon. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. ->
- RT @brithume: Someday this festival of slaughter will be seen for the crime against humanity it is. US hardly innocent. http://t.co/vUJ … ->
- RT @lheal: #ObamaIsnotSatan But then, Satan's no Obama, either. ->
- I just realized I've gone all day without turning on the TV. OK, OK, sure, the DVR takes the sting out of it, but still…. ->
- RT @YoungCons: Obama whining about Fox News is like a football player badmouthing the only cheerleader that won't sleep with him. – Greg … ->
- RT @brithume: This is where the culture of abortion can lead. http://t.co/pnqNL5wxBd ->
- Breakfast: smoked pork chop from Burger's Smokehouse ( http://t.co/lLNgnqIMMO ). Jealous much? ->
- New PC undergoing stress testing at the builder right now. Assuming it passes, it should be due for delivery tomorrow or Friday. Wheeee! ->
- DVR time, watching last night's #Redeye. Every time they air a pet video, I expect a falcon to swoop in and grab the dog/cat/whatever. ->
- It's a head-banging afternoon here. Sabaton, "Aces in Exile" – http://t.co/2teEgDjEpJ ->
- For a minute there, I couldn't remember where I'd put my coffee. I was *this* close to calling 911. ->
- Who is this Sally Kohn guy on Fox News, and why isn't he wearing a tie like everyone else? ->
- Been a busy week. Set up my new PC and new work laptop at the same time. Remind me never to do that again. ->
- The new PC… Verily, it doth rock. ->
- Coffee, truly it is the Elixir of Life. ->