
Posted By on December 29, 2005 at 11:44 am

As I get older, there are side effects of age with which I am not particularly thrilled. My knees and back, much abused in my younger days [the “jumping out of helicopters” years], continue to give me grief. I’m only 43, but some days my knees feel like they’re 90.
On the other hand, there are things for which I am very, very glad. Much of my hair, for instance, has migrated from my scalp to other regions… but I consider it to be my great good fortune not to be in competition with this guy.
Not yet, anyway.


One Response to “Effects”

  1. Narnia Nerd says:

    I am so totally grossed out by that picture. How could his comment be “God has been very kind to me”? As if it was some sort of blessing??? Wow, he’s an optimist.