A Week of Tweets
Posted By Russ Emerson on December 17, 2012 at 10:00 am
- Fun afternoon filling out forms for *yet another* work related security clearance. Every customer wants to do their own investigation. Lame. ->
- RT @radishthegreat: Cats make pretty good heating pads, if you can get them to sleep on the affected area, which you can't. ->
- I'd have slept last night, but Packet was sprawled in the middle of the bed, posed like he'd been making blanket angels. Could not disturb. ->
- New blog post – Thus Spake Russ: Instant Message Excerpts: On Being a Network Engineer, 19 – http://t.co/Mw4k89Qq ->
- Today may be the last day for a while that one can go out in a t-shirt. Now tweeting from the tailgate of my pickup. In a t-shirt. #nopants ->
- Ever done graffiti on your cat? Kismet was right here, I had a sharpie in hand… it was all I could do to *not* draw a mustache on him. ->
- RT @IMAO_: As long as Democrats throw entertaining fits every time we shut down unions, we're going to keep doing it. ->
- RT @KurtSchlichter: x 1,000,000 RT @DavidWohl: @mossadassassins Mossad are heroes. Freedom fighters for the peace-loving Jewish people. … ->
- Almost ready to start the cut over to the new desk, which means (in part) taking down my network – which kind of goes against my instincts. ->
- Got the old desk setup torn apart. Cleaning the components before I rebuild. It's like a complete habitat for the endangered Dust Bunny. ->
- Desk upgrade complete. Took a lot longer than I expected. I'm off to bed. ->
- There are people who will refuse to call the CT shooter evil. ->
- RT @matthewebel: Those of you affected by the shooting, I'll pray for your families. Everyone else with an opinion on gun control needs … ->
- RT @ExJon: Post-Christian America sucks and I fear things will only get worse. ->
- RT @fatherjonathan: I wish I could hug the families of the CT tragedy. Let us all do our part in prayer and loving those around us ->
- RT @mdrache: Yes, let's have the mental health discussion. Let's discuss why it's almost impossible to institutionalize a diagnosed craz … ->
- I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the shooter was a) not a member of the NRA, nor b) a practitioner of a mainstream religion. ->
- RT @mitrebox: We could just make people illegal. ->
- My niece tells me to remember that when people ask "what would Jesus do?" flipping tables and yelling is a viable option. ->
- RT @ShannonPoe: Extremely good post. A story of mental illness, worth a few minutes of your time. http://t.co/1ZLFUx7I (via @ToddKincannon ) ->
- The Westboro Baptist 'tards are planning on demonstrating at the Sandy Hook memorial service? Wow, talk about "cruisin' for a bruisin'." ->
- RT @ToddKincannon: I could never advise anyone to slash the tires of the Westboro Baptist Church crowd. Why, that would be a crime. ->
- RT @iowahawkblog: Ludicrous Hall of Fame: Hillary has "virus", "faints", "bumps head", can't testify on Benghazi http://t.co/pIWKoNOO #D … ->
- Mmmmm…. coffee…. ->
- Also to change name to "Grandstanding Media Whore." // MT @newsbusters: Sen. Feinstein To Introduce Assault Weapons Ban http://t.co/wmVX9zS3 ->
- Did anyone get a "me, my, I" count from Obama's campaign speech? #tcot ->
- And public urinals. // RT @ToddKincannon: Rule #1 of Demon Fighting. RT @itodd1007 @ShaneEthridge We'll make sure not to cross our streams. ->