Russ Emerson | April 16, 2013
After a full day of thinking over the events of yesterday, I believe I know who perpetrated the terrible bombing in Boston, and just as importantly, why. I believe the evidence will ultimately show that the bombing was carried out by agents of the Amanda Marcotte Uterine Liberation Front (AMULF), in a clearly successful effort […]
Category: Barbarians, Idiots, News, Terrorism |
Tags: liars, media, punditry fail
Russ Emerson | April 15, 2013
RIP Margaret Thatcher. I would gladly have a woman like her as President, instead of some shrill harpy like Hillary Clinton. #tcot -> RT @mitrebox: Melissa Harris-Perry has more forehead than she has name. -> Seeing crowds celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher pushes me just a little closer to understanding the urge to snipe […]
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