Russ Emerson | February 18, 2013
New blog post – Thus Spake Russ: A Week of Tweets – -> Yesterday I told a friend I'm only 3 or 4 doctrines away from being Catholic. Today, the Pope says he's retiring. Coincidence? -> RT @mandy_faye: Never have I watched a speech that made me feel so many emotions. Taya Kyle's love […]
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Russ Emerson | February 11, 2013
RT @IQgirl4Freedom: #ICouldHaveBeenaDemocratBut I don't like participation trophies. -> Brass ones, beyond huge. RIP, James Muri. -> Thus Spake Russ: Discovery – -> Note: if you want me to troubleshoot a problem and take my findings to the equipment vendor, DO NOT reboot the box before I get there. #geek -> If Code […]
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