Quote of the Day
Russ Emerson | August 9, 2011
Like a laser: See, when the President says “My Singular Focus” Is on Jobs.., that is best understood to read “My focus is on a singular job”. Smitty at The Other McCain
Russ Emerson | August 9, 2011
Like a laser: See, when the President says “My Singular Focus” Is on Jobs.., that is best understood to read “My focus is on a singular job”. Smitty at The Other McCain
Russ Emerson | August 9, 2011
For a light bit of entertainment with my first cup of coffee of the day, I turned to Google. For some reason, I suspect none of those results is “himself.” It the president were to spend his free time playing one of the Call of Duty or Battlefield franchise games, his choice of primary weapon […]