Quote of the Day
Russ Emerson | September 10, 2008
Glenn Reynolds: A document so innocuous that, even though it comes from CBS, I doubt it was faked . . . . Oh, snap! At least, I think that’s what the kids are saying these days.
Russ Emerson | September 10, 2008
Glenn Reynolds: A document so innocuous that, even though it comes from CBS, I doubt it was faked . . . . Oh, snap! At least, I think that’s what the kids are saying these days.
Russ Emerson | September 10, 2008
I uploaded a video to Youtube yesterday, intending to use it for my traditional Friday catblogging, but there’s a change in plans. It seems someone at Purina saw the video, and have added it to today’s Pet Charts list of top videos. Which is nice. Kismet spots a bug and tries to talk it down: […]