Russ Emerson | May 24, 2008
There is an age after which birthdays should cease to matter as occasions for anticipation and celebration. That age is twelve. Sure, there are noteworthy exceptions — landmarks, if you will. 16, 18, 21, 40 (maybe), 65 (or whatever retirement age is these days) and 100. I suppose that in my case, attaining 46 was […]
Category: Miscellany |
Russ Emerson | May 23, 2008
Packet has become a TV junkie. Cat Sitter is his favorite DVD so far. Rodents and birds are not the only things he likes to watch. He seems to enjoy Good Eats as much as I do, and he’s a regular Red Eye viewer. He’s a big fan of ombudsman Andy Levy. He’s probably hoping […]
Category: Animals, DVD, TV, Video |