Sick lad

| May 7, 2008

Kismet had his followup at the vet yesterday. As you may recall, he developed an upper respiratory infection, with what appeared to be a swollen lymph node under his armpit. Though he’s still a tiny bit wheezy, the antibiotics seem to be doing their job. Kismet struggles against being pilled, like every cat I’ve ever […]

Quick Movie Review

| May 6, 2008

Iron Man(Directed by Jon Favreau, starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, Terrence Howard) Wait… terrorists and their enablers, and not the US military, are the bad guys? I can’t imagine why anyone would like this. (Hollywood lefties, are you taking notes?) 4½ stars So, yesterday I did something I haven’t been able to […]