Hating the Troops
Russ Emerson | November 28, 2005
Ted Rall is a scumbag. Other people agree. But of course, you’d already know what I thought of him if you’d been reading this site in June of last year. Yes, I was pissed off. Seriously so.
Russ Emerson | November 28, 2005
Ted Rall is a scumbag. Other people agree. But of course, you’d already know what I thought of him if you’d been reading this site in June of last year. Yes, I was pissed off. Seriously so.
Russ Emerson | November 27, 2005
To: Technical Underlings From: Your Escalation Engineer 1) The proper greeting when I walk in the door at the start of my duty shift is “Hi, Russ” or some similarly generic greeting. It is not “I have an escalation for you” or, despite the evident faith and confidence you place in my abilities, “Man, am […]