Phrase of the Day
Russ Emerson | August 30, 2005
Describing Cindy Sheehan’s current mental/emotional state: “Munchausen-by-Casey” Confederate Yankee, in a comment at Protein Wisdom. Google for more info.
Russ Emerson | August 30, 2005
Describing Cindy Sheehan’s current mental/emotional state: “Munchausen-by-Casey” Confederate Yankee, in a comment at Protein Wisdom. Google for more info.
Russ Emerson | August 29, 2005
I’m a slacker today, so I’ll just do the meme thing. (Via Laurence.) Anyway, here’s what you do. You go to the Music Outfitters website and type your high school graduation year into the search tool. Select the “list of the 100 most popular songs” and you will get the Raw Material for the next […]