Russ Emerson | June 12, 2005
If you’ve never read Scott Ott’s Scrappleface for the funny stuff, you don’t know what you’re missing. But if you’ve never read it when he’s making a serious point, shame on you.
Russ Emerson | June 12, 2005
If you’ve never read Scott Ott’s Scrappleface for the funny stuff, you don’t know what you’re missing. But if you’ve never read it when he’s making a serious point, shame on you.
Russ Emerson | June 10, 2005
Where did this hair on my ears come from? Update: And the eyebrows… hokey smokes, I’m just a sapho-juice addiction and a bad haircut away from being able to impersonate Freddie Jones in the 1984 version of Dune.