Russ Emerson | April 28, 2004
Spirit of America still needs your help! You still have time to donate. Got a few spare bucks? Click the picture to donate and help build a free Iraq. Fighting Fusileers for Freedom
Russ Emerson | April 28, 2004
Spirit of America still needs your help! You still have time to donate. Got a few spare bucks? Click the picture to donate and help build a free Iraq. Fighting Fusileers for Freedom
Russ Emerson | April 27, 2004
John over at Balloon Juice remonstrates with Democrats: “stop whining and to start engaging in honest debate….” Just have your candidate stop lying and have him actually defend his record. Every time Kerry is asked a question about his record, he avoids any response and immediately launches into a salvo about how bad Bush is. […]