Schadenfreude Alert

| February 12, 2004

Headline: Kerry Fights Off Media Probe of Recent Alleged Infidelity. OK, OK, it’s Drudge… but he’s been right so many times before. Don’t like Drudge? Well, Scott Ott is all over the story, too: Alleged Kerry Intern Scandal Sparks Clinton Endorsement Personally, I don’t buy it. This is John “Cash And” Kerry we’re talking about […]

Quote of the Day

| February 11, 2004

I have no kids, and at my age am unlikely to ever have any (though it’s possible, I suppose, if I ever meet the perfect woman, e.g., one who will go out with me more than once), but I have two nieces and a nephew I love more than anything. James Lileks, on parenthood: When […]