Russ Emerson | September 21, 2003
How to put closure to last week? Something to tie together a hurricane and pirates…? Heh. I found it. While preparing for what I assumed to be the inevitable long-term power outage, I made plenty of ice (empty 2-liter Diet Coke bottles are darn handy) and transferred the contents of the indoor freezer to the […]
Category: Entertainment, Miscellany, North Carolina |
Russ Emerson | September 20, 2003
Yes, yes, yes… like a lemming, I’m voting for Ilyka Damen’s “A Happy Epiphany,” wherein Ilkya dismembers the Loony Left’s moral equivalence: That’s why your optimism was misplaced, amigo — because you were optimistic about the prospect of Americans behaving, for once, like anything but Americans. You thought we’d cry and come running to the […]
Category: Bloggery |
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