Gotta Wonder

| September 24, 2003

I’m a bit late to this party…. but as everyone seems to have noticed today, General Hugh Shelton, US Army (retired), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the highest-ranked uniformed member of the armed forces) seems to have a less-than-stellar opinion of the newest Democrat candidate for the presidency, General Wesley Clark (retired): […]

Quote of the Day

| September 24, 2003

John Derbyshire: The hell with the International Criminal Court. When they have Kim, Arafat, Qaddafi, Castro, Mugabe, and Jiang indicted, arraigned, tried, sentenced, and locked up, then I’ll listen to what they have to say about Henry Kissinger’s “war crimes.” And I still won’t believe it. The Demonization of Henry Kissinger, in National Review Online