Great Day

| May 20, 2003

Some days really bite. You know the ones – usually preceeded by a sleepless night, got to be at the office for an early meeting, got to stay for a late meeting, deadlines stacking up, car runs out of gas, it’s either 100&#176 out or raining or both, the IRS decides to audit you… OK, […]

… for a Very Important Date

| May 18, 2003

1. What drinking water do you prefer — tap, bottle, purifier, etc.? I prefer my water near-boiling hot, flavored with coffee squeezin’s. And occasionally some real cream. 2. What are your favorite flavor of chips? Plain-flavored Ruffles. Why dress up perfection? The salty potato-y goodness is sublime. 3. Of all the things you can cook, […]