The Ties That (No Longer) Bind

| April 11, 2003

Kim du Toit writes something I’ve been thinking for a while, but does so in a way I was unable to express adequately without significant amounts of foul language (something any reader here knows I try to do without, despite my soldierly past.) The anti-American Left has gone so far off the deep end that […]

A Righteous Fisking

| April 8, 2003

One of my regular reads Trevalyan posts a Most Righteous Fisking of that Iraq Minister of Information wannabee himself, Robert “25 loo roll” Fisk. “BBC Style” can only be used in the same oxymoron competition as “French hygiene” or “Jean Chretien’s Clarity Bill” but I’ll bite. It’s because more than 40 countries are gunning for […]