
Posted By on September 27, 2009 at 2:27 pm

[Updates below.]
I saw the news early this morning of the arrest by Swiss authorities of Roman Polanski, who for thirty years has avoided paying for his crimes by living in France.
Two things struck me immediately when I saw the report. First, Polanski is going to get tons of support from the Hollywood community. “A great artist,” they will call him — as if that excuses his crimes.
Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl.
Anyone in the “arts community” who would support and excuse this monster is just as evil and depraved as Polanski is. I don’t care if he’d won a Oscar and a Palm d’Or every year, that’s no excuse for his crimes.
The second thing that occurred to me was: this is yet another reason to hate France.
For thirty years, this monster lived in France, unbothered by law enforcement, unconcerned about being extradited to pay for his crimes.
Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl.
And yet in France this is apparently not a good enough reason to send him back here to face justice. True, treaties between France and the US allow France to refuse to extradite its citizens… but nothing requires them to do so. This is particularly true as his guilt is not in question — he has admitted it, pled guilty for it.
Those in France who allowed this despicable, loathsome creature to remain at liberty for thirty years, unmolested by the law, are depraved.
Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl.
To be honest, I was a bit surprised that the Swiss authorities had the stones to arrest him. That having been accomplished, one can only hope that their extradition process works as efficiently as, well, a Swiss watch.
Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl.
I look forward to the news that Polanski has died old and alone in prison. At that, he’d be getting off light.
Our great-grandfathers had the right idea. Rope, tree, child molester — some assembly required.

Update: Whoa! Linked (temporarily, at least) from CNN. (At the bottom, under “From the Blogs.” Looks like a link-bot.)
Now, as to the content of the CNN article. You don’t have to take my word for it — the depravity found in the French ruling class is exemplified by their own words:

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said he hoped authorities would respect Polanski’s rights “and that the affair (will) come to a favorable resolution,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

A favorable resolution in Kouchner’s eyes would be one that overlooks the fact that Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. Now do you see what I mean by “depraved?”

The French culture and communications minister, Frederic Mitterrand, said he “learned with astonishment” of Polanski’s arrest. He expressed solidarity with Polanski’s family and said “he wants to remind everyone that Roman Polanski benefits from great general esteem” and has “exceptional artistic creation and human qualities.”

There’s nothing wrong with backing Polanski’s family. And yet there is nothing — including “great general esteem” or “exceptional artistic creation and human qualities” — that mitigates the crime. Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. Mitterand (gee, that name sounds familiar) is another depraved government functionary… and a terrific example of why Europe is dying.
Why on earth would we in the US ever want to take any of our social or cultural cues from them?

9/29 Update: See what I mean about Hollywood? Whoopi, et al., are immoral cretins.


2 Responses to “Depravity”

  1. Bebe says:

    If I am an artist and I go to France and rape a child, do I get a Get Out of Jail Free card too? Who cares if Polanski is a flippin artist, he could be a plumber for all we care, but he’s a rapist and a fugitive too. Come on France!

  2. LyndaLBD says:

    Hey, I want a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD TOO! He’s a damn rapist and as usual, the FRENCH have their heads up their……..! STUPID FRENCH!!! They have always been stupid, and looks like they shall remain STUPID! They actually condone Rape??? STUPID FRENCH! May they burn in hell! May they be conquered again, and this time, we won’t Liberate them!