Russ Emerson | August 24, 2012
It’s called “Take It Back” by Miracle of Sound (whose music I’ve linked before.) It’s got a made-of-awesome beat, and you could probably even dance to it. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=QgBJeJ3-MWM width=900 height=506 anchor=thumb imgwid=300 imgheight=169] But the lyrics — which are actually about the situation the gamer faces in Mass Effect 3 — might just possibly […]
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Tags: 2012, Mass Effect
Russ Emerson | March 15, 2012
It’s called Mass Effect 3, and if by now you aren’t aware that I’m a fan, you haven’t been paying attention. Here’s a sample mission I ran in the wee hours this morning. The goal: to protect some civilians from being kidnapped. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=qlo5ogKzjr0 width=900 height=488 anchor=thumb imgwid=300 imgheight=182] Experienced ME2/ME3 players will note that […]
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Tags: Mass Effect, nerdvana