Moment of Unbearable Cuteness – II

Posted By on February 28, 2005 at 4:56 pm

Back in September, my sister sent me a photo of one of her kittens, “Bubba”:

(Click for original [brief] post with full-size picture.)

(Not that it’s that much bigger or anything….)
He looked to me like a dandelion in a grassy field. Sometimes when I need a moment of calm and cuteness, I’ll go look at that picture. I find it to be very relaxing.
Well, as cats do, Bubba has grown up:

I’ll be darned if that mane of his doesn’t make him look almost like a real lion now.


7 Responses to “Moment of Unbearable Cuteness – II”

  1. BethW says:

    Very cute, but… I need a Bendryl now.

  2. Cara says:

    They say pets and owners tend to look alike. No wonder he’s so adorable. Also, the person responsible for sharing the cuteness worldwide may be said to have demonstrated a fair amount of perspicacity.

  3. Russ says:

    There you go again, Sis. Don’t hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back.
    And besides, last time I visited, you were nowhere near as hairy as Bubba… have things changed?
    But as to your perspicacity in sharing the cuteness, yes indeed, ’twas very sagacious of you.

  4. Kricket says:

    oh TOO CUTE. He looks exactly like a lion!!

  5. Maureen says:

    Your mom and I were talking “cats” this morning and told me about this beautiful feline. What a gorgious cat, and a great picture Cara. I’ve printed it off and without your permission, you know where it will end up? In the choir music.
    I started that and the new secretary continues to put a cute picture of a cat or dog in the music she enlarges for the choir. It’s beautiful on photo paper. Thanks, Russ, for posting it.

  6. Stander says:

    Daaaaamn. Now THAT’s an impressive do.

  7. Miss O'Hara says:

    What a beautiful cat! And the baby picture is adorable, too. Almost too cute for words, actually.