Friday cat: Packet

Posted By on September 26, 2008 at 5:23 pm

Packet takes great delight in parking himself on my desk or on an adjacent work table, just within arm’s reach, for a thorough head-skritching.

He usually manages to knock everything in his path off the desk or table.
And he always seems to look pretty pleased with himself.

For additional Friday cat viewing opportunities, the Modulator’s Friday Ark is always recommended.
On Sunday, the Carnival of the cats is at Chey’s Place.
And of course, you can (and should) visit the Cat Blogosphere every day.


5 Responses to “Friday cat: Packet”

  1. Cheysuli says:

    Well I can see why he likes it. Who wouldn’t?!

  2. Oh what a furry handsome ManCat! He has a floofy tail just like mine!
    Your FL furiends,

  3. He certainly does look pleased with himself. What a stunningly handsome fluff!

  4. sammawow says:

    What a very handsome boy Packet is!

  5. Jane says:

    Packet is one stylish, handsome man cat. I think he knows it too.