Earworm of the Day

Posted By on January 28, 2006 at 6:52 pm

There’s a picture opposite me
of my primitive ancestry
which stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck-free.

Though I respect that a lot
I’d be fired if that were my job
after killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts.

Yes, I know the song, album and band in question.
No, I’m not telling.


5 Responses to “Earworm of the Day”

  1. Aaron's cc: says:

    A little BIRD whispered the answer in my ear, but I’m not telling!

  2. Russ says:

    In your ear, or in your soul?

  3. Brian B says:

    Ok guys, don’t put too fine a point on it….

  4. Brad says:

    I think those lyrics are jolly, Green.

  5. Brad says:

    ….Well, they might be, anyway.