Debate Predictions

Posted By on September 30, 2004 at 7:45 pm

I predict…
   —   John Kerry will look haughty and French
   —   President Bush will squint and chuckle periodically.
Well, those aren’t too hard to guess, really. Here’s my way-out prediction:
   —   President Bush will pronounce “nuclear” as “noo-klee-ar” (vice “noo-kyu-ler”) for the first time in his life.
That would certainly throw everyone for a loop. I would enjoy the heck out of it, as would most of America, I suspect.


One Response to “Debate Predictions”

  1. momE says:

    One thing really really bugs me about JFinkKerry is how refers to the men and women in the armed forces as “kids” – I think the second they took the oath they definitely became adults. Still our children but adult children.