A Week of Tweets

| March 11, 2013

Sequester, Day 4: Spent whole day looking forward to "Justified," only to recall that it's on *tomorrow.* Our doom surely approaches. -> RT @rsmccain: "Andrew inspired people. Frum mostly inspires people to actively dislike him." http://t.co/lVW9eo0fVx -> Major neuropathy pain. Meds aren't helping this time. I had plans for this morning that I'm going to […]

Ten Years Here

| March 8, 2013

Saturday marks ten years of my blogging here. Since beginning on March 9, 2003 under the moniker “TacJammer,” I’ve put up a few thousand posts, and had a bit over a quarter of a million views. Some people get that kind of traffic in a week. But I never got into this with the aim […]