Less than three months until I drop off everyone’s radar.

| December 21, 2011

The third and final installment of the Commander Shepard saga in the universe of Mass Effect drops on March 6… I am, to my own surprise, rather eager for it to arrive. BioWare have released a third trailer. It looks really deeply seriously good. Mild language warning. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=zBMTpI3lcZU width=1000 height=538 anchor=thumb imgwid=200 imgheight=108] I’m […]

Death By Pixel

| November 28, 2011

Been playing a bit of Battlefield 3 for the last few weeks while I wait for the March release of Mass Effect 3. It’s good fun. I get killed a lot — my kill/death ratio is only about 0.6 — but I’m improving and enjoying myself in my Copious Free Time. And every once in […]