Quote of the Day

| January 31, 2012

The Washington Post’s Michael Gerson, discussing the Obama administration’s abrogation of religious liberty: The implications of Obama’s power grab go further than contraception and will provoke opposition beyond Catholicism. Christian colleges and universities of various denominations will resist providing insurance coverage for abortifacients. And the astounding ambition of this federal precedent will soon be apparent […]

A Week’s Worth of Twitter Updates

| January 30, 2012

True fact: I was born the same day as Hector "Macho" Camacho. Make of it what you will. # Truth. RT @IMAO_ Obama's biggest reelection challenge is that he's not very good at being president and everyone knows it. # Groceries: stowed. Me: knackered. Fortunately, my recharge time is a bit less than the time […]