Instant Message Excerpt: On Being a Network Engineer, 9

| June 20, 2009

Customers… can’t live with them, can’t have a job without them. Juan(17:55:45): I was hoping to have a weekend with at least one day un-ruined Russ(17:56:29): I see the ticket you just got Russ(17:56:51): this isn’t gonna be your weekend [Nor, for the record, mine.]

Breaking news in the age of the Internet

| June 15, 2009

After a few days of downtime due to my injured back (which is improving, albeit slowly, thanks for asking) I went back to work this weekend. The network was running pretty smoothly; there were very few problems I had to deal with. I spent my free time furiously hitting “refresh” on Twitter’s #IranElection search page. […]