Tick Tock, Tick Tock

| April 29, 2004

Ladies and gentleman, get your final bids in. I’ll be closing the bidding on the Imperial/Castle Argghhh! CluebatTM at 11:30pm, Eastern time — about one hour from now. And please don’t forget to donate. Do it now, send the receipt later. To sweeten the pot, not only will the high bidder receive a full-size CluebatTM, […]

Paging Randy Newman

| April 29, 2004

Short People got no reason Short People got no reason Short People got no reason To live Lloyd Garver, a short man, riffs on tall people: The Trouble With Tall People. Now, me being 6’8″ may have warped my perspective on the whole subject. Tall people have a special status in our culture. Right. “Big […]