I’m a Proud Uncle

| June 8, 2012

My niece, the youngest of my parents’ grandchildren, graduates from high school today. She’s made me very proud as she’s grown from a binky-sucking toddler into a fine young woman. She’ll be heading off to college in the fall, as will all her fellow graduates. And like her cousin Tessa (a year older, attending Pepperdine, […]

Or, according to Obama, 57.

| May 24, 2012

Not too many years ago, I had some doubts that I’d make it this far. And yet, here I am. Today is the big 50. Eat me, Vile Neurological Problems. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=I_izvAbhExY width=920 height=720 anchor=thumb imgwid=300 imgheight=225]