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June 13, 2008
Mycah has been busy fending off the lads' advances. They want to be as friendly and playful with her as they are with each other. Packet's method is to race ahead and flop down on the floor in her path when she's on the move, while Kismet's favored technique is to follow her and attempt to bat at her tail.
She, of course, will have none of it. Not yet, anyway.
Her proximity alarms usually don't go off until the lads are within swatting range, but when she does get unhappy, she gets vocal, hissing and occasionally growling, with the occasional swat. She's never made so much noise before, except when wanting to be fed.
Usually she'll just give a half-second hiss as she walks by one of the lads, or one walks past her, but I'd swear she barked at Packet the other day when he was blocking her path away from the litter box. She actually made a woof sound at him. He took the hint, and moved out of her way.

(See also.)
She's mellowing, though. When she thinks no one is watching, she'll sniff at the lads, and when daily hairball treats are being distributed, she'll tolerate being shoulder to shoulder with them. Food, of course, would be her priority.
A furry fighter's battle ends.
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Posted by Russ at 02:27 PM, June 13, 2008 in Animals
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Yeah, if cheese is involved Zippy will even lick Sadie! Just get out of her way when the cheese is gone...
Posted by: Zippy, Sadie & Speedy at June 13, 2008 03:08 PM
At least she's coming around...a little...
Posted by: Parker at June 13, 2008 05:17 PM
2.5 years and that's about how well Bonnie tolerated me. And yes, she said "arf" sumtimes, too. She'd hiss at doorways finking I'd be there when I wasn't. Grate pictor an caption!
Posted by: Victor Tabbycat at June 13, 2008 09:41 PM
2.5 years and that's about how well Bonnie tolerated me. And yes, she said "arf" sumtimes, too. She'd hiss at doorways finking I'd be there when I wasn't. Grate pictor an caption! Does Mycah efur growl wif her mouf full? Efun funnier, Bonnie once tried to HISS wif her mouf full! She was fun.
Posted by: Victor Tabbycat at June 13, 2008 09:43 PM
I feel your pain Mycah. Reely.
Posted by: HotMBC at June 13, 2008 10:02 PM
I feel your pain Mycah. Reely.
Posted by: HotMBC at June 13, 2008 10:07 PM
It sounds to me like things are going well if Mycah is tolerating the new guys when there's a treat in the offing. There's a product available called Feliway which is a plug in diffuser, containing feline facial pheromones. It helps cats get along a bit better by making everywhere in the house smell like them - humans can't smell it. I've used it in my multi cat household, especially when a new cat is introduced - there's a definate chill out effect. It also comes in a spray form which you spray at cat head height around the home in all the places where cats rub their faces - door ways, corners of furniture etc.
Posted by: jane at June 14, 2008 06:49 AM
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Yeah, if cheese is involved Zippy will even lick Sadie! Just get out of her way when the cheese is gone...
Posted by: Zippy, Sadie & Speedy at June 13, 2008 03:08 PM
At least she's coming around...a little...
Posted by: Parker at June 13, 2008 05:17 PM
2.5 years and that's about how well Bonnie tolerated me. And yes, she said "arf" sumtimes, too. She'd hiss at doorways finking I'd be there when I wasn't. Grate pictor an caption!
Posted by: Victor Tabbycat at June 13, 2008 09:41 PM
2.5 years and that's about how well Bonnie tolerated me. And yes, she said "arf" sumtimes, too. She'd hiss at doorways finking I'd be there when I wasn't. Grate pictor an caption! Does Mycah efur growl wif her mouf full? Efun funnier, Bonnie once tried to HISS wif her mouf full! She was fun.
Posted by: Victor Tabbycat at June 13, 2008 09:43 PM
I feel your pain Mycah. Reely.
Posted by: HotMBC at June 13, 2008 10:02 PM
I feel your pain Mycah. Reely.
Posted by: HotMBC at June 13, 2008 10:07 PM
It sounds to me like things are going well if Mycah is tolerating the new guys when there's a treat in the offing. There's a product available called Feliway which is a plug in diffuser, containing feline facial pheromones. It helps cats get along a bit better by making everywhere in the house smell like them - humans can't smell it. I've used it in my multi cat household, especially when a new cat is introduced - there's a definate chill out effect. It also comes in a spray form which you spray at cat head height around the home in all the places where cats rub their faces - door ways, corners of furniture etc.
Posted by: jane at June 14, 2008 06:49 AM
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