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March 27, 2008
Real American Hero

Herb Peterson, McDonald's franchisee and inventor of the Egg McMuffin, passed away Tuesday at his home in Santa Barbara. He was 89.

Take a moment to reflect on what he did for the average commuter. He basically invented the fast-food breakfast, giving people on their way to work the opportunity to have something more than a cup of coffee first thing in the morning.

I'm just young enough to not know if anyone did fast-food grab-and-go breakfasts before McDonald's did, but surely they all do it now.

I intend to have a McMuffin in his honor... even (because of my hours) if I have to make it from scratch myself.

[Heavily updated to correct errors. So sue me.]

Posted by Russ at 09:30 AM, March 27, 2008 in News

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