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November 16, 2007
Hunter, Prey — the Return

Mycah continues her observation of the local wildlife... and it continues to observe her.

[Click for larger — 1024x768. Too big? Too bad. Get a bigger monitor.]

I've never really thought I would want or need a video camera, but only a video would do justice to the way Mycah was thrashing the stub of her tail.

Mycah, meanwhile, has carried on her quest for some sort of way through the screen door. She laments her inability to reach the knife drawer in the kitchen; she's been trying to get to my power tools in the garage.

How she thinks she can work a circular saw without opposable thumbs is beyond me.

Be sure to visit the Friday Ark.

Later in the weekend: the Carnival of the Cats, this week at Pet's Garden Blog.

Posted by Russ at 11:41 AM, November 16, 2007 in Animals

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