Jabba the Cat
"Bring me Solo and the Wookiee. And a case of kitty treats. I like the Whisker Lickin's Shrimp & Tuna."
Too much is never enough for Mycah the Hutt.

[Click for larger... as if she isn't large enough.]
Mycah's weight problem looks a good deal worse than it actually is, especially when she adopts this sort of pose. She's down from her initial weight (when I got her — 19+ pounds), hovering between 15.5 and 16.0 pounds. She could stand to lose another 5 pounds or so.
The Friday Ark is, as always, at The Modulator.
The Carnival of the Cats this week is at Pets Garden Blog.
Posted by Russ at 01:27 PM, June 23, 2006 in Animals
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Friday Ark #92 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....? We will add you... [Read More]
Tracked on June 23, 2006 02:19 PM
Friday Ark #92 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....? We will add you... [Read More]
Tracked on June 23, 2006 04:28 PM
Carnival Of The Cats 118 from
Welcome to the Carnival Of The Cats!
Tigger is snoring now while I am looking at all the wonderful entries.
Our first entry comes from Lakshmi from Babblogue XL who is indignant about an article titled “A Safe Procedure”
THE FOUR CATS ... [Read More]
Tracked on June 25, 2006 07:25 PM
Sorry about the duplicate TB....
Posted by: Steve at June 23, 2006 04:32 PM
I can't understand how Piper is so small and yet nardo's so big.
Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 25, 2006 08:06 PM
I have a butterball who has taken up the habit of eating ice, or licking it. She also has been exercising by walking back and forth under the table to get her behind petted by my mom. Now she has lost her pair shape and is light as a feather. Or at least in comparison with an 18 pound Ragdoll.
Posted by: srp at June 25, 2006 08:13 PM
Big kitty, do not defy jabba the kitty... Adorable pose :) Thanks for visiting my blog btw, cat bloggering makes the world go around.
Well at least... cats do... :)
Posted by: Jaspenelle at June 26, 2006 12:27 AM
oh, that reminded me of the pshop evilsarahk did of Carlos.
Posted by: maggie katzen at June 28, 2006 02:12 AM
Is there any evil depth to which Sarah will not sink?
Posted by: Russ at June 28, 2006 02:28 AM
Your cat looks like a twin of mine, only replace the black with grey. One thing to be aware of is diabetes. If she starts drinking water or urinating a lot, you may have a problem. Good luck with her diet!
Posted by: Ash at June 29, 2006 02:39 PM
Funny you should mention that; she is in fact diabetic, but the special diet she's on has it under control.
Posted by: Russ at June 29, 2006 04:09 PM
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Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Jabba the Cat:
Friday Ark #92 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....? We will add you... [Read More]
Tracked on June 23, 2006 02:19 PM
Friday Ark #92 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....? We will add you... [Read More]
Tracked on June 23, 2006 04:28 PM
Carnival Of The Cats 118 from
Welcome to the Carnival Of The Cats! Tigger is snoring now while I am looking at all the wonderful entries. Our first entry comes from Lakshmi from Babblogue XL who is indignant about an article titled “A Safe Procedure” Hmmm… THE FOUR CATS ... [Read More]
Tracked on June 25, 2006 07:25 PM
Sorry about the duplicate TB....
Posted by: Steve
at June 23, 2006 04:32 PM
I can't understand how Piper is so small and yet nardo's so big.
Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 25, 2006 08:06 PM
I have a butterball who has taken up the habit of eating ice, or licking it. She also has been exercising by walking back and forth under the table to get her behind petted by my mom. Now she has lost her pair shape and is light as a feather. Or at least in comparison with an 18 pound Ragdoll.
Posted by: srp at June 25, 2006 08:13 PM
Big kitty, do not defy jabba the kitty... Adorable pose :) Thanks for visiting my blog btw, cat bloggering makes the world go around.
Well at least... cats do... :)
Posted by: Jaspenelle at June 26, 2006 12:27 AM
oh, that reminded me of the pshop evilsarahk did of Carlos.
Posted by: maggie katzen at June 28, 2006 02:12 AM
Is there any evil depth to which Sarah will not sink?
Posted by: Russ at June 28, 2006 02:28 AM
Your cat looks like a twin of mine, only replace the black with grey. One thing to be aware of is diabetes. If she starts drinking water or urinating a lot, you may have a problem. Good luck with her diet!
Posted by: Ash at June 29, 2006 02:39 PM
Funny you should mention that; she is in fact diabetic, but the special diet she's on has it under control.
Posted by: Russ at June 29, 2006 04:09 PM