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Mycah welcomes you all to the 115th edition of the Carnival of the Cats. Not that she was going to do any of the work. Let's just say she supervised.
There are loads of great submissions this week. And so, without further ado, let's proceed to the Carnival, shall we?
Nights? No, knights. No? Well, would you believe a bow-tied superspy in red satin? The fate of the world is in his paws — the most beauteous Gigolokitty will save us all!
Plus, a shameless GK plug at Mind of Mog.
Boots and Tess get ready to party — Musings has the details.
Added: The Egoist's Morris considers exactly which day he should be celebrating.
Idempotent has a kitty that really knows how to get high. (Pretty impressive, if you ask me.)
Pearl at OldController provides the navel. It's up to the rest of us to do the gazing.
... too irresistable. No, not me — Mind of Mog's Bazel, of course. Bonus: Blogging with Cats, and Tomorrow.
Never Blame the Rainbows For The Rain
Kitties of many colors, at Elms in the Yard.
"Life, Florida, Whatever." Whatever? How about a fine collection of critters?
Breaking news — Cat Graduates from Feline School of Massage Therapy! Film at 11.. no, the film is at Catnabbit!
There are two new catblogs by new-to-blogging Elaine, Cat Care Blog and Cat Health. Check them out.
Hurry, don't be late! Late? Never, for Jelly Pizza!
Ping does even the very mundane for his lady, at Manx Mnews.
At Sisu, Babe recharges before a diplomatic mission, and has an opinion on suppertime.
Oenophiles everywhere tremble before the wisdom of Cato.
Thirsty kitty! No drinking problem there, that's for sure.
Bella wonders about her motivation, at Tiny Bubbles.
Music and Cats... two of my favorite subjects. Lyra does an amazing Three Stooges impression.
Butterscotch is ready for his close-up, brought to you by Mensa Barbie.
Added: Laurence Simon's mighty hunter Nardo stars in Kitty Movie Monday 8. It sounds like a slasher movie to me — I'm sure the lizards think so, too.
Beezer understands... especially when t-r-e-a-t-s are involved. I wonder if he can spell?
Texas Oasis shows us an adventurous youngster. Sort of reminds me of a certain cat of my sister's acquaintance.
Michael Turner presents the very lovely Tinker. Update: now with an added audio link. Cool.
Pixel and Pasha never cease to overwhelm with their adorableness.
TsuTsu may be the cutest little thing you'll see, thanks to Personal Financial Advice.
No, it's a tie! The babies at Composite Drawlings are just precious. And, what an adventure for the little guy!
Mostly out in this post is Nosey, an indoor cat, exploring the porch.
Betsy Cat exerts her will, while Pookie Cat takes a different tack to get her way, courtesy of El Capitan at Baboon Pirates.
At White Pebble, Lucy and Satchel are a bit under the weather. Hang in there, Patti. Mycah is a sugar-kitty, too, so I'm right there with you.
At Niobium, the Tale of the Tail. Or is the the Tail of the Tale? I can never keep that straight.
Happy "Gotcha Day," Rafe. And here's wishing you many happy returns.
Just you try to get past LadyGunn's Sydney. I bet you can't.
Clover, Rhett, Nicky and Willow all pull their share of birdwatching duty.
After completing the labors of Hercules, Aloysius takes some time off to see the sights, at Catymology.
Maddie and Ivy aren't quite bosom buddies. Yet.
K T Cat is hard at work at The Scratching Post. I wish I had such a great job.
Cats... couch potatoes? Say it isn't so! Well, I suppose it is so, as seen at Rosa's Yummy Yums.
Hakuna and Matata are excellent examples of felis recumbens. Plus, Matata has a good time, at Blog d'Elisson. IKEA is involved.
Miss Scarlett takes sitting to a new level of difficulty.
Rocket at KeeWee's Corner picks a perch and trains his humans.
Rondi's Orloff and Pushkin "debate" the merits of footstools.
Even the Lord and Master of the Apartment A-203 likes to take a little time off.
Git a long little kitty! Mr. Gato demonstrates his summertime nap technique.
RTO hits the road, and Carlos hits the sack. Maggie Katzen has the proof.
Omnibus Driver misses her travelling companion. I would, too.
Elvis takes a bath. I imagine he does a better job than that guy from Graceland did.
When it comes to haberdashery, Chocolate Chip is a real helper.
At Val's Bien, we see that Bows knows how to turn a "Kodak moment" into a reminder of every elementary school class photo ever taken. What a show-off.
Bagheera asks a vital question. Think carefully before you answer, or you will have to face the wrath of Huckleberry.
I Know You're Out There Somewhere
Gryphon hides at Where The Dolphins Play. Such a master of camoflage. Sneaky kitty.
And finally, at Watermark, Gracie recommends high quality reading material about our favorite subject. Hint: four legs, fur, and mouse-breath.
Someone is awful tired after all that. Not moody, not blue. Just tired... time for a nap....
Me, I'm just sorry to have kept you all waiting.
Thanks, all you catbloggers for participating, and thanks to all you who are visiting. Make cat blogs part of your daily or weekly routine!
And so, until The Day We Meet Again... take good care of yourselves and all your wonderful furballs.
Posted by Russ at 08:00 AM, June 5, 2006 in Animals
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Carnival Of Cats from
Hey! By the way the carnival of cats is up at TacJammer NIce Job and thanks! No Tags... [Read More]
Tracked on June 5, 2006 09:57 AM
Monday Linky Stuff from The Alliance
Your Precision Guided Humor Assignment: If Michael Moore loses the $85 million lawsuit, how will he raise funds to pay the judgement? Is due by 11:59pm EDT Wednesday, June 7th. Late entries must be accompanied by a lame excuse. The [Read More]
Tracked on June 5, 2006 06:23 PM
Wonderful carnival, thanks!
Posted by: PJ and the Boyz at June 5, 2006 07:44 AM
I'm getting reports of comment errors. I'll see if I can figure out what's up.
Posted by: Russ at June 5, 2006 11:35 AM
Testing for error message . . .
Posted by: Sissy Willis at June 5, 2006 11:36 AM
Hi, Russ . . .
'Looks like comments are in working order now.
Great carnival and great cat! :)
Trackback still doesn't appear to be working for me, so here's my link to this post:
"Everyone is affected mostly by their enemies"
Posted by: Sissy Willis at June 5, 2006 11:43 AM
Love your Moody Blues theme. I've got all those songs. Thanks for the cool carnival! Blueberry of Texas Oasis: Alex, Henry, Duncan, Jax, and this week's guest, Cheeta.
Posted by: Blueberry at June 5, 2006 12:12 PM
TacJammer hosts: Laurence Simon's "Carnival of the Cat's #115!....
"Wonderful Carnival, thanks so much." -butterscotch
Posted by: MB at June 6, 2006 03:35 AM
I love your Moody Blues theme and you picked the perfect tune for my little lovely, Tinker. In honor, I posted a streaming player under her picture and readers can click on it and hear the tune. Thanks for a great job and yet another name I can call my kittie.
Posted by: michael
at June 6, 2006 01:16 PM
Video of idempotent's kitty here, if you'd like to see her claw her way up onto the door!
Posted by: idempotent at June 8, 2006 04:32 PM