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June 04, 2006
Target: Russ

So, it seems that spammers once again have made a nuisance of themselves, using whatever bots they use to hammer an mt-comments.cgi script I'd left laying around unsecured. My hosting company, the excellent LiquidWeb, did the smart thing and killed the account for a couple hours until the problem was resolved.

So now I'm back.

The Carnival of the Cats, which is usually a Sunday evening sort of thing, will be here Monday morning... because someone has to be the guy who works on Sunday evenings keeping the Internet running, and that guy happens to be me.

Posted by Russ at 02:09 PM, June 4, 2006 in Bloggery & Geekery

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Purring Time from Modulator
The 115th Carnival of the Cats is up at TacJammer.... [Read More]

Tracked on June 5, 2006 09:35 AM

Purring Time from Modulator
The 115th Carnival of the Cats is up at TacJammer.... [Read More]

Tracked on June 5, 2006 09:38 AM
