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December 29, 2005

As I get older, there are side effects of age with which I am not particularly thrilled. My knees and back, much abused in my younger days [the "jumping out of helicopters" years], continue to give me grief. I'm only 43, but some days my knees feel like they're 90.

On the other hand, there are things for which I am very, very glad. Much of my hair, for instance, has migrated from my scalp to other regions... but I consider it to be my great good fortune not to be in competition with this guy.

Not yet, anyway.

Posted by Russ at 11:44 AM, December 29, 2005 in Personal Stuff

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I am so totally grossed out by that picture. How could his comment be "God has been very kind to me"? As if it was some sort of blessing??? Wow, he's an optimist.

Posted by: Narnia Nerd at January 5, 2006 12:50 PM